A conceptual image depicting the integration of marketing and AI. The artwork features a modern office setting with a large digital display showing graphs
Made by DALL·E 2024–05–15 21.51.16 — A conceptual image depicting the integration of marketing and AI. The artwork features a modern office setting with a large digital display showing graphs.

Quick Guide: Crafting a Marketing Plan in 10 Minutes with Allan Dib’s One-Page Strategy and ChatGPT [Prompts included]

Dr. Arturovksy
7 min readMay 16, 2024



Every business needs a marketing plan. It’s the roadmap to success, offering a clear path to reach your business goals. But not all marketing plans are created equal. Some are complex, multi-page documents that can take weeks to create. Others, like Allan Dib’s one-page marketing plan, strip away the fluff to give you a straightforward, actionable plan. This How-to guide will show you how to create such a plan, step by step.

What is a One-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib?

A one-page marketing plan, as the name implies, is a simplified marketing plan that fits on a single page. Allan Dib, a renowned business strategist and bestselling author, has developed a simple, effective one-page marketing plan that any business can use. It’s straightforward, practical, and focuses on the essential elements of marketing that drive results.

Who Benefits from This?

The one-page marketing plan by Allan Dib is beneficial for any business owner or marketer who wants to create a focused, actionable marketing plan quickly. It’s especially useful for small businesses and startups that may not have the resources to develop a comprehensive marketing plan.

When to Choose This Versus Other Alternatives?

The one-page marketing plan is an excellent choice when you need a quick, actionable plan that focuses on the most critical aspects of marketing. It’s not designed to replace comprehensive marketing plans but to complement them. If you’re short on time or resources, or if you’re just starting and need a simple plan to guide your efforts, the one-page marketing plan is a great option.

Why Use a One-Page Marketing Plan in the Format of Allan Dib’s?

Allan Dib’s one-page marketing plan is a proven, effective way to create a marketing plan. It’s simple, straightforward, and focuses on the essential elements of marketing that drive results. By using this format, you can quickly create a plan that clearly outlines your marketing goals and how you plan to achieve them.

Allan Dib’s 9-Step Process

Creating a one-page marketing plan using Allan Dib’s method involves a 9-step process. These steps guide you through the most critical aspects of marketing, from identifying your target market to defining your unique selling proposition and creating a compelling message.

Allan Dib’s 3 Phases Marketing Plan

Allan Dib’s one-page marketing plan is divided into three phases: the before phase, the during phase, and the after phase. Each phase focuses on a different aspect of the customer journey, helping you create a comprehensive marketing plan that covers all stages of your customer’s experience with your business.

  • Before Phase: Identify your target market and their needs. Define your unique selling proposition (USP) that distinguishes you from competitors. Create a persuasive message to communicate your USP to the audience.
  • During Phase: Determine the best channels to deliver your message. Develop a lead generation strategy to attract potential customers, and establish a lead handling system.
  • After Phase: Implement a nurturing process to build relationships with potential customers. Develop a sales conversion strategy to turn nurtured leads into customers. Finally, create a repeat business system to encourage loyalty and repeat business from your customers.

Breakthrough of Each Step and What It Means

Each step in Allan Dib’s one-page marketing plan has a specific purpose and focus. Breaking down each step helps you understand its role in your overall marketing strategy and how it contributes to achieving your business goals.

Allan Dib’s 9-Step Marketing Plan Summary

  1. Identify Target Market: Understand your ideal customers’ needs and demographics via market research and surveys.
  2. Define Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Determine what makes your product or service stand out from competitors.
  3. Create a Compelling Message: Develop a clear, concise marketing message that communicates your USP to your target audience.
  4. Determine Marketing Media: Choose the most effective channels to deliver your message.
  5. Create Lead Generation Strategy: Develop strategies to attract potential customers, such as content marketing or SEO.
  6. Establish Lead Handling System: Set up a system to manage and follow up with generated leads.
  7. Create Nurturing Process: Develop a process to nurture leads and build relationships with potential customers.
  8. Sales Conversion Strategy: Create strategies to convert nurtured leads into paying customers, such as offering a free trial or discounts.
  9. Develop Repeat Business System: Establish systems to encourage repeat business from existing customers, like loyalty programs or regular customer engagement.

Detailed Step-by-Step How-to Guide to Creating Your one Page Marketing Plan

Below is a step-by-step guide to creating your one-page marketing plan, tailored to your business . We’ll also explore how to use ChatGPT to refine and populate each section.

1. Identifying Your Target Market

What to Include: Define the specific demographic and psychographic characteristics of the audience you aim to serve.

ChatGPT Prompt:

“Describe the typical demographic and psychographic characteristics for customers in the [industry type] industry.”

Instructions: Replace [industry type] with your business’s industry to tailor the information.

2. Crafting Your Messaging

What to Include: What key messages will resonate with your target audience? This should reflect your brand’s unique value proposition.

ChatGPT Prompt:

“What are effective marketing messages for targeting [describe target audience] in the [industry type]?”

Instructions: Provide details about your audience and industry to get customized suggestions.

3. Determining Your Media

What to Include: Outline the channels through which you will reach your target audience. Consider both traditional and digital media.

ChatGPT Prompt:

“What are the most effective advertising channels for reaching [describe target audience] in the [industry type]?

4. Lead Capture

What to Include: Plan how you will capture information from potential customers, which is critical for follow-up.

ChatGPT Prompt:
“What are some innovative lead capture strategies in the [industry type]?”

5. Lead Nurturing

What to Include: Describe how you will nurture leads at each step of their journey to becoming customers.

ChatGPT Prompt:

“What are effective lead nurturing tactics for [industry type]?”

6. Sales Strategy

What to Include: Define how you will convert prospects into paying customers.

ChatGPT Prompt:
“What are proven sales conversion strategies for [industry type] businesses?”

7. Delivering a Wow Experience

What to Include: Detail how you will deliver an exceptional experience to customers, encouraging repeat business and referrals.

ChatGPT Prompt:
“What are some unique ways to enhance customer experience in [industry type]?”

8. Increasing Customer Lifetime Value

What to Include: Strategies for increasing the lifetime value of each customer, such as upselling, cross-selling, and increasing customer retention.

ChatGPT Prompt:
“What strategies increase customer lifetime value in [industry type]?”

9. Creating a Referral System

What to Include: Plan how you will encourage and reward customer referrals.

ChatGPT Prompt:
“What are effective referral program ideas for [industry type] businesses?”


In conclusion, Allan Dib’s one-page marketing plan provides a clear and concise framework to guide your marketing efforts. This method simplifies the planning process while ensuring all essential marketing aspects are covered. By following the step-by-step guide, businesses of all sizes can benefit from a focused, actionable plan to reach their marketing goals.

Furthermore, whether you’re a small business owner needing a swift action plan, a start-up seeking a simple guide, or a seasoned marketer looking to trim down a complex strategy, this one-page marketing plan is a beneficial tool. It aids in identifying the target market, defining the unique selling proposition, and developing a compelling message. Not only does it help in devising a lead generation and handling system, but it also guides in creating a nurturing process, sales conversion strategy, and a system for repeat business.

This streamlined approach to marketing planning allows for a quicker reaction to market changes, efficient allocation of resources, and a higher chance of achieving your business goals. The one-page marketing plan by Allan Dib is certainly a tool worth considering for any business aiming for success in its marketing activities.


  • What this section is about: Addressing common questions about the integration of Allan Dib’s One-Page Marketing Plan with ChatGPT.
  • Key Information:

1. What is Allan Dib’s One-Page Marketing Plan?

  • Allan Dib’s One-Page Marketing Plan is a concise, actionable framework designed to simplify the marketing process. It breaks down marketing into three phases: Before, During, and After, each targeting specific marketing objectives and strategies, aimed at guiding businesses from brand awareness to customer loyalty.

2. How can ChatGPT enhance the effectiveness of a marketing plan?

  • ChatGPT can automate and personalize various marketing activities such as content creation, customer service, and data analysis. This leads to more efficient operations, deeper customer engagement, and the ability to quickly adapt marketing strategies based on actionable insights.

3. What are the challenges of integrating AI like ChatGPT into existing marketing plans?

  • Challenges include ensuring data privacy, managing the learning curve for new technologies,ensuring the accuracy of AI-generated content, maintaining the need for human oversight in strategic decision-making processes, and integrating AI tools with existing marketing software.

4. Can ChatGPT replace human marketers in crafting marketing messages?

  • While ChatGPT can assist in generating content, human insight is crucial for strategy and understanding nuanced customer emotions and reactions.

5. What are the benefits of using ChatGPT for lead generation?

  • Benefits include automated and personalized communication at scale, which can increase engagement and conversion rates.

6. How does Allan Dib’s One-Page Marketing Plan align with AI-driven marketing tactics?

  • The simplicity and structure of Dib’s plan provide a clear framework that can be enhanced by AI’s analytical and operational capabilities.

7. What steps should be taken to integrate ChatGPT with Allan Dib’s marketing plan?

  • Integration steps include using AI for audience analysis and segmentation in the Before phase, automating content delivery and customer interactions in the During phase, and leveraging AI for feedback collection and analysis in the After phase. Ensuring seamless AI integration involves continuous monitoring and adjustments based on performance metrics and feedback.



Dr. Arturovksy

Consultor de marketing y negocios digitales, ayudo a PYMEs a llegar al siguiente nivel en el mundo digital.